Articles and News
Tax Implications When Selling an S Corporation
Tax issues and the implications for buyers and sellers when selling an S corporation.
Summary of IRS Multinational Tax Rules Past and Present
Summary of IRS Taxation of Worldwide Companies before and after 2017
Alabama Tax Audit Targets
How does the Alabama Department of Revenue choose taxpayers for audit.
IRS Rule on PayPal and Venmo Transactions
New IRS 1099-K Rules on Payment Processor Payments
More IRS Audits
IRS audits have increased in recent months, especially for higher-income taxpayers, corporations, and partnerships.
Implications of New Build Back Better Plan
Summary of the latest Build Back Better Act Tax Provisions and Impact.
Second Round of PPP
The Second Round of Paycheck Protection Program loans is available to help individuals and businesses affected by COVID.
Taxation of Personal Sickness/Injury and/or Disability Lawsuit Settlement Awards
Taxation of Legal Settlements from Personal Injury, Personal Sickness, Disability Insurance Awards
Non-Qualified Stock Options-Private Companies
Taxation of non-qualified stock options of private companies
SBA PPP Loans-Funding and The Self-Employed
COVID-19 SBA Paycheck Protection Loans for the Self-Employed
Coach's IRS Tax Court Win
Coach Saban wins a Tax Court case against the IRS involving a worthless debt on $2 million dollars he had loaned for a real estate construction project.
Taxation of Alimony
Taxation of alimony under Trump’s tax plan and prior tax law with an analysis of divorce and taxation pursuant to Alabama state law.
Tax Reform for Businesses
The recently enacted tax reform bill has made significant changes to the taxation of business. This post summarizes some of the more substantial changes.
Selling Property with Life Estate
Tax treatment upon the sale of property with life estates.
Tax Returns and Health Insurance
The IRS was prepared to require tax filers to indicate on line 61 whether they and their family had health coverage during 2016. If not, taxpayers are subject to a penalty.
IRS Collection Fast Track Mediation
The purpose of the mediation is to resolve disputes in the early stages of the collection process and within 40 days after the mediation application is accepted by the IRS. In order to be accepted into the process, taxpayers must make a good faith effort to resolve matters with the IRS collection officer followed by a conference with the officer's manager. Acceptance into the mediation process does not mean that taxpayers can't pursue other options if mediation doesn't resolve their case.
2017 Hidden Tax Hike
The increase in the earnings limit for social security represents the largest one-year increase in history. The maximum social security tax is jumping from $7,346 in 2016 to $7,886 in 2017 for employees. There is a larger increase for the self-employed as their social security taxes will be increased from $14,694 to $15,773 in 2017.