Articles and News
Alabama Tax Audit Targets
How does the Alabama Department of Revenue choose taxpayers for audit.
Changes in Alabama Corporate Income Tax
Alabama passes changes to its taxation of corporations, including apportionment of multi-state income.
Taxation of Alimony
Taxation of alimony under Trump’s tax plan and prior tax law with an analysis of divorce and taxation pursuant to Alabama state law.
Subject Matter Jurisdiction in Alabama Divorces
Subject matter jurisdiction in Alabama divorce cases.
Alabama Sales Tax and Online Companies
More and more consumers are buying all kinds of stuff online--over the internet from companies such as Amazon. Many of these sales transactions occur without the payment of sales taxes, as the selling company likely has no physical presence in the state of the purchaser. Many brick-and-mortar companies argued that they were at a disadvantage as they were forced to compel customers to pay more (often times 8% or more) to cover the state sales tax.
Child Support Amendment
Amendment to Alabama Child Support Computation for health insurance and reasons for deviation from guidelines.
Common Law Marriage
On May 3, 2016, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signed legislation that will effectively abolish common-law marriage as of Jan. 1, 2017. Those already involved in valid common-law marriages before the cutoff date will still be recognized by the state.
Alabama Divorce--Pension Plans and More
The Alabama Court of Civil Appeals issued a ruling concerning the post-divorce treatment of beneficiary designations naming a former spouse.
Alabama Flax Tax Proposal--Vote Delayed
Vote on proposed Alabama Flat Income Tax has been delayed.
Preventing Divorce
The number one cause for divorce is not adultery, but finance-related tensions.
Alabama Tax Credits Bill
Alabama has passed into law the most impressive set of economic development tax credits in decades.
Alabama Sales Tax on Successor
Most states maintain some sort of successor liability provision in their tax statutes.
Alimony in Alabama
There are two general kinds of alimony in Alabama divorces, one referred to as "periodic alimony" and the other referred to as "alimony in gross").
Alabama Intestate Law
When a person dies intestate, the Alabama laws of intestacy will kick in to provide for distribution of the intestate decedent’s assets.