Articles and News
Non-Qualified Stock Options-Private Companies
Taxation of non-qualified stock options of private companies
2017 Hidden Tax Hike
The increase in the earnings limit for social security represents the largest one-year increase in history. The maximum social security tax is jumping from $7,346 in 2016 to $7,886 in 2017 for employees. There is a larger increase for the self-employed as their social security taxes will be increased from $14,694 to $15,773 in 2017.
Divorce and Social Security Benefits
Almost half of all marriages end in divorce. This article discusses the rules on divorce and social security with the goal of helping you maximize your benefits. Before filing for social security, you should get the facts on your marriage(s) durations and divorce dates.
Affordable Care Act's "Cadillac Tax"
The "Cadillac Tax" is a 40% penalty (excise tax) on health insurance plans and a provision of the Affordable Care Act that takes effect on January 1, 2018.
LLC/Partnership--Profits Interest vs. Capital Interest
Partnerships can grant profits interests or capital interests for services. LLCs taxed as partnerships are proliferating.