Articles and News
Tax Reform for Businesses
The recently enacted tax reform bill has made significant changes to the taxation of business. This post summarizes some of the more substantial changes.
IRS Garnishment of Social Security Benefits
Social Security benefits are eligible for levy by the IRS.
Divorce and Survivors' Social Security Benefits
The Social Security system provides income to families of workers who die. In fact, most children are eligible for benefits if a working parent dies. Social Security provides a benefit similar to life insurance. As you work and pay Social Security taxes, you earn credits toward your Social Security benefits.
Divorce and Social Security Benefits
Almost half of all marriages end in divorce. This article discusses the rules on divorce and social security with the goal of helping you maximize your benefits. Before filing for social security, you should get the facts on your marriage(s) durations and divorce dates.
IRA Withdraw Penalty Exceptions
If you withdraw money from your individual retirement account before age 59 1/2, you will generally have to pay a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty in addition to income tax on the amount withdrawn. This means a $5,000 withdrawal taken by a mid-career worker in the 25 percent tax bracket would result in $1,750 in taxes and penalties. But there are a variety of ways to avoid the IRA early withdrawal penalty if you meet specific criteria:
Alabama Divorce--Pension Plans and More
The Alabama Court of Civil Appeals issued a ruling concerning the post-divorce treatment of beneficiary designations naming a former spouse.
Drafting QDROs in Divorce
This post provides guidance for the process of drafting domestic relations orders that qualify as QDROs in a divorce.
Dividing Retirement Plans & IRAs in Divorce
In many divorces, retirement plans are the parties’ most significant asset.
Tax Treatment of Retirement Assets and Pension Benefits
Pension benefits and retirement savings often constitute a client’s most valuable assets, and are viewed as a safety net.