Articles and News
Tax Returns and Health Insurance
The IRS was prepared to require tax filers to indicate on line 61 whether they and their family had health coverage during 2016. If not, taxpayers are subject to a penalty.
IRS Collection Fast Track Mediation
The purpose of the mediation is to resolve disputes in the early stages of the collection process and within 40 days after the mediation application is accepted by the IRS. In order to be accepted into the process, taxpayers must make a good faith effort to resolve matters with the IRS collection officer followed by a conference with the officer's manager. Acceptance into the mediation process does not mean that taxpayers can't pursue other options if mediation doesn't resolve their case.
2017 Hidden Tax Hike
The increase in the earnings limit for social security represents the largest one-year increase in history. The maximum social security tax is jumping from $7,346 in 2016 to $7,886 in 2017 for employees. There is a larger increase for the self-employed as their social security taxes will be increased from $14,694 to $15,773 in 2017.
Alabama Sales Tax and Online Companies
More and more consumers are buying all kinds of stuff online--over the internet from companies such as Amazon. Many of these sales transactions occur without the payment of sales taxes, as the selling company likely has no physical presence in the state of the purchaser. Many brick-and-mortar companies argued that they were at a disadvantage as they were forced to compel customers to pay more (often times 8% or more) to cover the state sales tax.
Innocent Spouse Tax Relief
Many couples file joint tax returns because in most cases it lowers their tax. When filing jointly, however, both people are liable for the tax and any assessments imposed against the return. This joint and several liability even survives the couple's divorce. Joint and several liability means that each taxpayer is legally responsible for the entire liability. The IRS has provided for three types of relief from joint and several liability for spouses who filed joint returns.
Child Support Amendment
Amendment to Alabama Child Support Computation for health insurance and reasons for deviation from guidelines.
Common Law Marriage
On May 3, 2016, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signed legislation that will effectively abolish common-law marriage as of Jan. 1, 2017. Those already involved in valid common-law marriages before the cutoff date will still be recognized by the state.
Information Everyone Should Know About Divorce
As someone who regularly deals with divorce, I always feel a special need to help those who are about to go through that process or who have gone through it and are in the process of rebuilding. There are a few things that someone contemplating a divorce should consider:
Multiple Businesses and the IRS
A recent decision by the Tax Court should serve as a warning to people that own multiple businesses but don't always "respect the corporate formalities" associated with each business entity. If you own more than one business and sometimes have Company A pay the expenses of Company B, or perhaps task an employee of Company A to do things for Company B, the IRS may deny your deductions.
IRS Statute of Limitation on Collecting Taxes
For some the only hope of relief from unmanageable federal tax debts may be the statute of limitations on collection. In theory, the IRS has only 10 years from the date of assessment to collect. However, this 10-year limitation has many exceptions, waivers and overlapping extensions such that in all but the simplest of cases computing the correct “collection statute expiration date” is quite difficult.
Private Collection Agencies Working for the IRS
Private collection agencies are now working for the IRS. In fact, for some hard to collect bills, the law now requires—rather than just permits—the IRS to use private collectors. Many people think that having the IRS farm out collection work to private contractors is a bad idea. Here are 10 things you should know:
IRS Can Revoke/Deny Passports
The IRS can deny and/or revoke passports. This is new ground in tax enforcement for the IRS. It will make it harder for taxpayers with serious tax problems to flee the country. However, we think Congress was far more concerned with getting a delinquent taxpayer's attention. Here's why:
Changes in Tax Deductions and Credits
It's tax filing season. And again this year, we had some tax laws extended by Congress through 2016 or 2019, but some were actually made permanent. I'm going to discuss those tax provisions that have been extended or made permanent for individual taxpayers.
IRS Criminal Investigations--How Initiated
Criminal Investigations can be initiated from information obtained from within the IRS when a revenue agent (auditor) or revenue officer (collection) detects possible fraud. Information is also routinely received from the public as well as from ongoing investigations underway by other law enforcement agencies or by United States Attorneys offices across the country.
IRS Garnishment of Social Security Benefits
Social Security benefits are eligible for levy by the IRS.
Estate Tax Exemption
Most people never pay estate taxes because of the exemptions that apply to the tax, and the estate tax exemptions for 2015 and 2016 may save taxpayers millions of dollars. that would otherwise go to the IRS. How much is the estate tax exemption for 2015 and 2016?
Affordable Care Act--Loss of Health Insurance Subsidies
Under federal rules, anyone who receives an insurance subsidy must file a tax return to verify that the person was eligible and received the proper amount of financial assistance based on household income. There is the risk of loss of health insurance subsidies for failure to file tax return.
Divorce and Survivors' Social Security Benefits
The Social Security system provides income to families of workers who die. In fact, most children are eligible for benefits if a working parent dies. Social Security provides a benefit similar to life insurance. As you work and pay Social Security taxes, you earn credits toward your Social Security benefits.