Articles and News
Drafting QDROs in Divorce
This post provides guidance for the process of drafting domestic relations orders that qualify as QDROs in a divorce.
IRS Foreign Bank Account Disclosure
The IRS has announced updated procedures for taxpayers to file overdue FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report) foreign account disclosures.
Alabama Sales Tax on Successor
Most states maintain some sort of successor liability provision in their tax statutes.
Home Office Tax Deduction and Safe Harbor
Self-employed individuals and employees who work out of their home are allowed to deduct business expenses relating to part of their home.
Dividing Retirement Plans & IRAs in Divorce
In many divorces, retirement plans are the parties’ most significant asset.
Alimony in Alabama
There are two general kinds of alimony in Alabama divorces, one referred to as "periodic alimony" and the other referred to as "alimony in gross").
Tax Treatment of Retirement Assets and Pension Benefits
Pension benefits and retirement savings often constitute a client’s most valuable assets, and are viewed as a safety net.
Alabama Intestate Law
When a person dies intestate, the Alabama laws of intestacy will kick in to provide for distribution of the intestate decedent’s assets.
Child Support in Alabama
You may need information on child support: a) If you are going through a divorce; or b) If you are separated or are now separating from the other parent.
Alabama Tax Fairness Act
Alabama has become the 32nd state with an independent tax appeals process.
S Corporation Late Election Relief
When an S election is not filed, the corporation is treated as a C Corporation and its losses/gains are taxed to the corporation.
Tax Returns and the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act is part health law, part tax law.
Net Investment Income Tax
The NIIT applies at a rate of 3.8% to certain net investment income of individuals, estates and trusts that have income above the statutory threshold amounts.
LLC/Partnership--Profits Interest vs. Capital Interest
Partnerships can grant profits interests or capital interests for services. LLCs taxed as partnerships are proliferating.
IRS Tax Fraud Investigations
In this article, I will attempt to identify those techniques which tax lawyers can use to gather the information necessary to make an informed decision regarding two critical questions: First, to what degree should the company cooperate with the government’s investigation? Second, at what point should counsel present facts and arguments in an attempt to dissuade the government from bringing criminal charges. This article will also discuss the various stages of review through which criminal tax cases must pass.