Articles and News
Taxation of Alimony
Taxation of alimony under Trump’s tax plan and prior tax law with an analysis of divorce and taxation pursuant to Alabama state law.
Subject Matter Jurisdiction in Alabama Divorces
Subject matter jurisdiction in Alabama divorce cases.
Common Law Marriage
On May 3, 2016, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signed legislation that will effectively abolish common-law marriage as of Jan. 1, 2017. Those already involved in valid common-law marriages before the cutoff date will still be recognized by the state.
Information Everyone Should Know About Divorce
As someone who regularly deals with divorce, I always feel a special need to help those who are about to go through that process or who have gone through it and are in the process of rebuilding. There are a few things that someone contemplating a divorce should consider:
Divorce and Survivors' Social Security Benefits
The Social Security system provides income to families of workers who die. In fact, most children are eligible for benefits if a working parent dies. Social Security provides a benefit similar to life insurance. As you work and pay Social Security taxes, you earn credits toward your Social Security benefits.
Divorce and Social Security Benefits
Almost half of all marriages end in divorce. This article discusses the rules on divorce and social security with the goal of helping you maximize your benefits. Before filing for social security, you should get the facts on your marriage(s) durations and divorce dates.
Division of Assets & Taxation in Divorce
When couples divorce, property transfers and alimony payments will usually result in a substantial tax impact to the parties.
Dividing Retirement Plans & IRAs in Divorce
In many divorces, retirement plans are the parties’ most significant asset.
Alimony in Alabama
There are two general kinds of alimony in Alabama divorces, one referred to as "periodic alimony" and the other referred to as "alimony in gross").
Child Support in Alabama
You may need information on child support: a) If you are going through a divorce; or b) If you are separated or are now separating from the other parent.