Articles and News
Taxes on Using Ebay and Paypal
Sellers who use Ebay and Paypal or other payment processors may receive Form 1099-Ks.
Multiple Businesses and the IRS
A recent decision by the Tax Court should serve as a warning to people that own multiple businesses but don't always "respect the corporate formalities" associated with each business entity. If you own more than one business and sometimes have Company A pay the expenses of Company B, or perhaps task an employee of Company A to do things for Company B, the IRS may deny your deductions.
IRS Criminal Investigations--How Initiated
Criminal Investigations can be initiated from information obtained from within the IRS when a revenue agent (auditor) or revenue officer (collection) detects possible fraud. Information is also routinely received from the public as well as from ongoing investigations underway by other law enforcement agencies or by United States Attorneys offices across the country.